Canadian Huawei P30 Pro gets update

Martin Guay
Martin Guay - Chief Editor
1 Min Read
The recently release Huawei P30 and P30 Pro in Canada has just received an update. The version of the update is while others outside of Canada have noted that version is

The current update cites camera improvement to scenes as the major note. We can also see from the log that some audio fixes we’re implemented due to being out of sync. We see some software updates to Swiftkey, the always on display now shows the third party notifications and of course some security improvement April 2019.

The biggest thing for me since there’s no notification LED on the device is “always on display”! Now that third-party notifications are actively showing up, it’s definitely more useful.

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By Martin Guay Chief Editor
I write, talk about technology, gadgets, the latest Android news as much as any other fellow geek, nerd, or enthusiast does. I work in the IT field as a System Administrator, and I enjoy gaming when possible. I'm into plenty of things, and you can usually find me around Ottawa, Canada!For all business inquiry email business-inquiry [@] cryovex [dot] com.