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Using Tech To Improve Supply Chain – A Practical Guide

Martin Guay
Martin Guay - Chief Editor
4 Min Read

How To Use Tech To Improve Your Supply Chain

The current accessibility to technology has shot consumer expectations through the roof. And satisfying your customer’s needs through service at each stage can make or break your business.

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While no marketing channel is free from the judgmental views of prospective clients, research shows that 70% of customers will spend more if you provide excellent customer service. Fortunately, technology offers a great opportunity to achieve this by reducing the time spent getting the product from the shop or warehouse to the customer. Many courier services provide the ability to do that for you; One such service is the FedEx supply chain!

Here is how to use tech to improve your customer shopping experience through the supply chain.

Using Tech To Improve Supply Chain - A Practical Guide
Tom Fisk from Pexels

Offer accurate, real-time order tracking!

It is reassuring for clients to see and track their orders in real time. So you can provide them with brand SMS alerts and in-app notifications to update them on various delivery stages until the final pickup; This may seem like a lot of work, but fortunately, you can save yourself the additional burden via automation. For instance, you can notify customers or delivery receivers via a few clicks when the dispatch leaves the store or fulfillment center and how long they can expect the order to reach the destination. You can also use courier services such as the FedEx supply chain.

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Improve your delivery routes!

Route optimization is critical for an efficient supply process. Your drivers may use the optimal delivery routes to evade traffic jams, poor weather, and other elements that may drag your deliveries. You can integrate various route planning and optimization tools into your route planning process to eliminate inefficient delivery bottlenecks. For instance, a professional routine optimization tool can help simplify your delivery process and eliminate manual processes and potential human mistakes that may cause delays.

Such an example is how the FedEx supply chain delivery routes are improved with high reliability to provide estimated delivery.

Minimize the chance of errors!

It is vital for all businesses, regardless of industry, to focus on reducing mistakes in their whole business operations to improve delivery process efficiency. For example, when producers undergo material testing, they can more likely understand the operation of their product even before consumers use it. Companies may test, develop, and adjust the production system while delivering the finished product to the customers on time. For instance, steel manufacturers can use tech like the Knoop hardness tester to determine whether a product or material treatment is ideal. The testing can help guarantee material quality and prevent any returns or replacements after delivery.

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Provide convenient delivery options

Today’s customers desire convenience, and it’s advisable to give them options to choose from. While some may prefer delayed free delivery, others wouldn’t mind paying a premium for faster fulfillment. Some may also want the flexibility to pick up their items locally. So the goal here is to allow customers to determine their preferred delivery option. There is new tech you can integrate into your delivery system to offer a delivery plan based on the needs of each customer. Unsurprisingly, most successful online businesses offer various delivery options to improve retention and conversion rates.

Technology is vital in providing outstanding customer service because it allows your business to focus entirely on efficiently meeting clients’ needs. The tips above can help boost delivery times and improve customer experience.

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By Martin Guay Chief Editor
I write, talk about technology, gadgets, the latest Android news as much as any other fellow geek, nerd, or enthusiast does. I work in the IT field as a System Administrator, and I enjoy gaming when possible. I'm into plenty of things, and you can usually find me around Ottawa, Canada!For all business inquiry email business-inquiry [@] cryovex [dot] com.