Google Files Go: Cleanup, regain storage, enjoy liberty again

Martin Guay
Martin Guay - Chief Editor
5 Min Read
Introducing Google Files Go, Google’s storage management utility designed to regain control over your storage so that you can store what you really need and get rid of what you don’t. Using the latest and greatest in the world of AI from Google, you’ll be able to declutter that device of yours!

Google Files Go by Martin Guay at Android News & All the Bytes

Browsing the Play store on your device you will be able to find numerous applications that claim to speed up, declutter and improve your smartphone experience. The problem with that is that most don’t do much in terms of what they “claim” they can do. Google went ahead to introduce its own version of decluttering your device.

Files Go is Google’s approach to storage management and offline file transfer. Leveraging Google’s machine learning smarts to declutter that device in your hand is the perfect approach for ease of use. No need to wonder what to keep, what to delete or browsing each folder. The app has a set of automated filters designed to find, target and show you what needs to go and ultimately you have the final say in what to keep or to delete. The app already knows if the pictures, videos or age-old content has already been backed up to Google Photos allowing the peace of mind to just hit that delete button.

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Google Files Go will offer additional help to you! It will indicate what you can get rid of additional to what it already does above, such as apps and extra temp content that might be stored on the device. The application is lightweight on resources and shouldn’t impede your ability to do what you usually do.

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Some background on Google Files Go might be in order to understand why this was even a thing. The app was developed for the Android Go platform, this is but one app out of nine that Google developed for the platform. Android Go was designed for the devices that typically have less than 8GB of storage, which means they need to be able to recover valuable storage pretty fast. Since this app also allows you to browse the files on the device and transfer files, this was a perfect utility combining 3 things into one.

Google Files Go to transfer files

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Files Go has a built-in file transfer feature that works by turning itself into a hotspot allowing two devices to connect to transfer files in between the two. This eliminates the need to have a connection to a network or the internet.

If you’re looking to send a file, all you have to do is hit the Send button from the Files tab, and enter a name for it. Files Go will set up a hotspot, and the recipient will be able to see your selected name once they hit the Receive button on their device. It’s as easy as that, and Files Go lets you send audio and video files, as well as documents.

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Google Files Go as a file manager

As the name implies, Google Files Go can also be used as your device primary file browser to see the content of what you have stored on your device. Just like you’d do on a desktop or laptop, you can browse for whatever you might be looking for. Although Files Go was designed for budget-entry-level devices, its usability extends to all. There’s a large number of smartphones with 16GB of internal storage or less, and Files Go is the ideal app to declutter your phone.

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By Martin Guay Chief Editor
I write, talk about technology, gadgets, the latest Android news as much as any other fellow geek, nerd, or enthusiast does. I work in the IT field as a System Administrator, and I enjoy gaming when possible. I'm into plenty of things, and you can usually find me around Ottawa, Canada!For all business inquiry email business-inquiry [@] cryovex [dot] com.